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Welcome to the ARBAconsult GmbH

The ARBAconsult GmbH in the city of Würzburg of­fers ex­pert con­sult­ing, training, and workshops in the ar­e­as of safe­ty en­gi­neer­ing, pro­duct & mar­ket, and cor­po­rate de­vel­op­ment. You ben­e­fit from our know-how, thanks to de­cades of ex­pe­ri­ence in busi­ness and ind­us­try. Our team works with you on the analysis and conception as well as the success of your projects - with valuable impulses and effective measures.


We are your partner for


We have more than four decades of experience in the development, manufacture, and sale of explosion-proof components and equipment. From your objectives to safety and conformity, we provide you with comprehensive and competent advice and training.


Sales and product management for techniques and technologies that require explanation are key tasks for launching complex products in the target markets. We provide expert advice and develop a suitable product-market strategy together with you so that you can place your products on the market in the best possible way.


The creation of sustainable values requires a holistic entrepreneurial approach. We accompany you as an entrepreneur with our decades of know-how and entrepreneurship in the small and medium-sized business sector.

About us


ARBAconsult is active throughout Europe in the consulting of industrial security technology and in the development of products, markets, and companies. Our customers benefit from the entire know-how of the ARBAnova Family Foundation and its partner network.


Our multifaceted team is able to professionally respond to your individual wishes, whether they are niche or diverse. We have more than four decades of experience in a wide range of specialist areas and industrial sectors.